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Protection of wood-based materials

Preventive wood protection of chipboard, OSB and plywood

The building and construction industry uses significant amounts of wood-based panels.

These are especially particle boards, OSB (“Oriented Strand Board“) and plywood, but also fibre boards, used as insulation panels, for instance.

Besides the correct application of the materials, their preventive treatment against fungal and insect infestation is among the most effective measures for preventing later structural damage. Many years of experience and expertise with board resin binders have resulted in a comprehensive product range for wood-based construction materials. Depending on the protection required, the resin and the wood type, products from the following groups can be used:

Product range

Xyligen® 30 F / Wolsit® F-15T Product details

Wolsit® T Product details

Use wood preservatives safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Do you need further information such as technical data sheets, approvals, etc.? Please contact:
